Arena Guide currently lists over 4,500 ice arenas, indoor and outdoor ice rinks near you and all across Canada and the USA.

Use recycled water

Arena staff, municipalities, and utility companies, especially in high-draught areas, have been researching innovative ways to conserve water in arenas operations. The Citizens Business Bank Arena was the first professional hockey arena in the United States to make ice using recycled water.  They converted their cooling towers so they could use recycled water and further reduced their water consumption. Citizen’s Business Bank Arena estimates saving around 5 million gallons (apx. 18,927,058.9 litres) of water every year.

Recycled (grey) water can be used in washroom toilets and urinals and for landscaping and irrigation.


  • Less demand on local water source
  • Inspires businesses and users to conserve water


  • Water
  • Avoided water over use penalties

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