Arena Guide currently lists over 4,500 ice arenas, indoor and outdoor ice rinks near you and all across Canada and the USA.

Encourage car pooling

The amount of cars coming and going to an ice arena is staggering. Many vehicles that arrive at the rink only have one user in them. Carpooling options, organizing and dedicated carpooling parking spots could be part of the measure taken to increase rider occupancy per vehicle arriving at the arena.


  • Less traffic at the arena
  • Less air pollution
  • Less stress for drivers driving to and finding parking at the arena
  • Opportunity to network with other carpoolers


  • Cost savings or cost sharing for vehicle fuel
  • CO2

Web resources: 

12 park-and-ride locations for Sudbury carpoolers

Transport Canada: Carpooling trends in Canada and abroad

Transport Canada: The links between public health and sustainable and active transportation