The West Side Ice Arena is located just below the Nazaire Biron (Kelley Falls) Bridge, Manchester’s West Side
- The arena is open for rentals from August – April.
- Skate rentals are not available at the West Side Arena.
- Hourly Private Ice Rental can be arranged by calling the Parks & Recreation office at (603) 624-6444, Extension 5346
- Stick & Puck – Monday through Fridays, 9:00 to 11:00 am
- Dimensions: 216′ x 118 ‘ (25,488 square feet)
- Skating Surface: 200′ x 85′
- Seating Capacity (Bleacher Style): 800 patrons
- Skating Season (Private Rentals Only): August through April
- 4 Changing Rooms
- Vending Machines