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Leddy Park Arena

The Gordon H. Paquette Ice Arena, situated in Leddy Park, is also known as the Leddy Park Arena. Leddy Arena is a full service arena with a full size “Olympic” ice surface (200×85) as well as a versatile “Studio” rink (87×66). The amenities include:

  • Public Locker Rooms – one ADA accessible set, both sets with restrooms and showers
  • Pro Shop – rental, sharpening and repair services, skate accessories, hockey equipment, Jackson figure skates
  • Upstairs Lounge – meeting and party room with refrigerator and private restrooms

This is the home ice facility for Burlington’s youth hockey organization (BAHA), Burlington and Colchester boys & girls high school hockey programs, the Vermont Lumberjacks junior hockey program, Full Stride adult hockey programs, and the Champlain Valley Skating Club, which includes Vermont Children’s Theatre on Ice and On Thin Ice adult theatre troupe! It uses the REALice floodwater treatment system to treat its ice and has since 2019.

216 Leddy Park Rd, Burlington, VT 05401 USA